Norwegian Cruise Careers

August 18, 2021
Norwegian Cruise Line The

About Norwegian Cruise Line
In 1966, Norwegian Cruise Line pioneered the very first Caribbean cruise. In 2001, we introduced a new culture of freedom and flexibility to the world called Freestyle Cruising®. We were the first cruise line to have our own a private island, Great Stirrup Cay in the Bahamas. And in 2013, we will change the cruising industry yet again.

Since our very first voyage, Norwegian Cruise Line has been the industry leader for innovation. Serving more than 800, 000 guests annually aboard our fleet of 11 ships and employing more than 10, 000 employees worldwide, we do things differently.

So where do you fit into this vision? By transforming our guest's dream vacations into an experience they will never forget. We are searching for dynamic hospitality professionals to join our team, whether on land or on board one of our amazing ships to bring to life our innovative culture of Freestyle Cruising.

If you think you have what it takes to be a Norwegian and for more employment information, please visit

Corporate Employment
Want to work with the best staff in the hospitality industry worldwide? Then come join Norwegian Cruise Line as we have exciting land-based opportunities at our corporate office in Miami, Florida and various sales opportunities throughout the United States.

Shipboard Employment: Norwegian Cruise Line
When you're traveling as fast as 25 knots and to some of the most exotic destinations in the world, it's tough to have a slow day at work. Find your place in the world at any of the hundreds of exciting positions on board our fleet of ships.

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